About Us

Maintenance Sales News is edited for maintenance distributors.

MSN reaches owners and presidents, buyers and purchasing agents, and sales executives; and our articles focus on their professional development.

Our magazine reaches all levels of the sanitary supply marketing pyramid, including independent sales agents, master distributors, janitorial distributors and growth-market distributors such as food service, paper goods and industrial.

We welcome your questions/comments. Please feel free to contact us.
Local Phone: 586-227-9344
Contact Us

Randy Green – 586-227-9344 – randy@rdgmedia.net


Noelle Green, National Sales Manager, 810-941-5422noelle@rdgmedia.net


Harrell Kerkhoff, Editor — 217-722-3411; email: harrellk@rdgmedia.net

Web Administrator: Josh Scanlan

Check Out Our Other Websites:
Workplace Material Handling & Safety
Packaging Technology Today
Plastics Hotline
Electrical Safety in the Workplace
Paper, Film & Foil Converter
IMS Auctions