XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp.

101-5950 Imperial St.
Burnaby, BC V5J 4M2 CANADA

Company Officer(s): Kevin Wice

Product: XYNYTH is a leader in eco-friendly icemelters, manufacturing a complete range of products. Its products are used by many institutions, schools, airports, LEED buildings, and shopping centers that are looking specifically to protect their investments and the environment.

The top three best-selling products are tailored to meet diverse preferences. These include the premium offering, Mountain Organic Natural™, the potent all-natural deicer, Arctic ECO Green®, and the high-performance ECO De-icer, Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter™. Each product is meticulously crafted to address specific needs and preferences.

Visit our website to see our complete range of products. Reach out to us for further details.